Terre di Tartufi-Truffles Land is a non-profit Association for Social Promotion (APS), established to protect the land and culture of Piedmont’s truffle hunting tradition. The white truffle can not be cultivated and it can only be found in a small slice of European forests. Without the continuation of these healthy forest ecosystems, the white truffle could disappear forever. We are dedicated to protecting the forests that produce the prized white truffle to ensure the continuation of healthy ecosystems within Piedmont, and allow the region’s unique truffle hunting culture to thrive.

Terre di Tartufi was created by a group of friends (truffle hunters, naturalists, farmers, doctors, engineers, entrepreneurs, photographers, and writers) who joined forces to build a boot on the ground, grassroots organization focused on achieving big conservation goals in a small community.

Componenti dell’ associazione

Presidente: Livio Franco Carlevero
Vice presidente: Lucrezia Povero

Consiglio direttivo

Tesoriere Felice Zappa
Segretario Giuseppe Cerri Gambarelli
Consigliere Franco Canta
Consigliere: Stefania Toso
Letizia Guglielmino Beautiful Development Company LLC

Assemblea dei soci

Bellaccomo Alessandro, Bergamasco Antonio, Bonelli Edmondo, Borlasta Davide, Calorio Mario, Canta Franco, Cartello Gianni, Cascio Barbara, Cauda Sergio, Cerri Gambarelli Giuseppe, Demarie Enrico, Franco Gilberto, Giovara Guido, Guido Michele, John Claudia, Marchesin Luigi, Marenda Carlo, Novo Danilo, Novo Luca, Povero Alessio, Povero Lucrezia, Rabbione Piergiorgio, Satta Giorgio, Vaudano Enrico, Viano Fabrizio, Vigna Franco


Plant a tree and hope it produces truffles is like sowing money under a plant and hoping bank-notes will flower

A fundamental for the growth of the White Alba Truffle is that the land has not been exploited or contaminated and that there is no trace of chemical treatments, that also of synthesis fertilizers. Indispensable a humid environment and hedges of plants full of Canine roses, dogwoods, elder which produces fruit which nourishes the wildlife and determines the propagation of the spore: hares, hedgehogs, foxes, birds, night birds of prey, earthworms, insects

Describing completely the life which turns around the tartufai can be very difficult because the biodiversity and the link of the species is not that easy.

We want to defend this biodiversity for the future generations

Trees do not serve to create puppets but to forge men.